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Hand holding pen reviewing a document, presumably for errors

Editing Services

Enhance and Refine Written Work

While Knowledge Bump is primarily a Tutoring service, we also provide editing services for industry professionals, academics, and graduate students.


Our editors are current PhD students and/or recent graduates of English Language and Literature graduate programs who have been trained in the art of professional and academic editing. We look beyond spelling and grammar; we ensure that your document is clear, concise, and well presented, and follows any other criteria necessary.


We charge $40/hour for our editing services. Below is a rough estimation of how many hours different documents take:

- 10-15 pages of academic writing - roughly 6 hours
- 2-3 page journalistic article - roughly 2-3 hours
- 20-page business report - roughly 8-10 hours


At Knowledge Bump, we believe that no job is too small! Most editing jobs, even for smaller documents, require multiple hours of labour. Therefore, our minimum charge is 2 hours of work. With that said, if you have multiple small documents that you'd like us to look at, and we believe we can edit those documents within that 2 hour window, we will be happy to do so at no extra charge.


Please note that we do not offer editing services for undergraduate and high school students at this time. It is essential for the long-term academic success for students at this level to develop their own research, writing, and critical thinking skills. We are happy to provide resources and training to empower our clients to build these skills!



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